In my
last blog , I gave a brief idea about TCP and TCP states, Lets check how its work in real network by simulating the TCP connection using NS2 simulator.
So what is NS2?
NS2 is a discrete event network simulator. It is aimed at network research, and supports simulation of various facets of networking, including TCP, multicast, and routing protocols.
You can easly install NS2 in Ubunutu using "Ubunutu Software Center", as usual make use of your terminal and install.
sudo apt-get install ns2 nam xgraph.
Below NS2 Script contain TCP - TCP compare.
Below NS2 Script contain TCP-UDP compare
you can run these codes using
ns .tcl
Above NS2 scripts help you to simulate how TCP's functionality in the real network.
Lets see what has happened!
As shown in Figure 1, the network model was configured with two TCP (TransmissionControl Protocol) flows for two milliseconds and recorded observation in trace files.
Figure 1 |
Trace files were plotted using “xgraph” utility and it has been shown in figure 2
Figure 2 |
According to the results given by the experiment, TCP flows fairly shared the network bandwidth.
As shown in Figure 3, additional another experiment was conducted in respect to model the TCP flow and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) flow in shared network environment, which experiment was inspected for two milliseconds. Furthermore, observations were recorded in the trace file as previous experiment.
Figure 3 |
Second experiment’s trace files were plotted using “xgraph” utility and it has been shown in Figure 4.
In accordance with the second experimental result given in the Figure 4, UPD flow was taken over the shared network resource from TCP flow and it did not moderately shared the band with it .
Figure 4 |
According to Figure 5, in first experiment; first TCP flow was shared the bandwidth with second TCP flow. In second experiment; TCP flow was trampled by UDP flow.Hence, as a conclusion of those two experiments, TCP Shares the network resource fairly.Nevertheless, UPD does not share the network resource.
Even though this is irrelevant to this topic, this help us to understand the behavior of the TCP connections.